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TUESDAY, August 24, 2021 | Focused Breakout Sessions

1:00 PM A Fresh Take: The Quality of our Ponds and Lakes Today

Cape Cod’s 996 freshwater ponds are extremely vulnerable to human activity and development. Excess nutrients have resulted in degraded pond water quality across the region. Through the Cape Cod Freshwater Initiative, available pond monitoring data will be analyzed, and the health of Cape Cod’s ponds will be assessed to identify regional trends in water quality. Establishing a baseline for pond health will provide the basis for a comprehensive pond planning process, defining a path forward for improved water quality across the region.

Tim Pasakarnis | Water Resources Analyst, Cape Cod Commission
Nicole Bartlett | Management Analyst, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Sophia Fox | Aquatic Ecologist, Cape Cod National Seashore
Andrew Gottlieb | Executive Director, Association to Preserve Cape Cod
Jessica Rempel | Natural Resources Analyst, Cape Cod Commission

1:00 PM Modeling Climate Change Impacts on Cape Cod

While climate change is a global problem, understanding its local impacts can be critical to spur action. This session will provide two different perspectives on understanding climate change impacts: economic and physical. Learn about the potential economic impacts of climate change, and efforts to mitigate and adapt to its impacts, as well as about recently mapped storm tide pathways, which help those taking action locally better understand where and when waters might flow as the region faces more frequent and severe storms.

Charles Goodhue | Senior Economist, Eastern Research Group
Shannon Hulst | Deputy Director, Cape Cod Cooperative Extension; Floodplain Specialist and Community Rating Systems Coordinator, Cape Cod Cooperative Extension and Woods Hole Sea Grant

1:00 PM Action for All: Exploring Climate Equity on Cape Cod

Successfully addressing climate change requires equitable planning and implementation strategies. This involves strengthening community resilience while ensuring that equity is integrated into policies and practices. Learn about why and how communities and organizations can incorporate equity into climate mitigation and adaptation and join a facilitated discussion to share ideas about how to foster equitable implementation of the Climate Action Plan.

Martha Hevenor | Planner, Cape Cod Commission
Michele White | Special Projects Coordinator, Cape Cod Commission
Megan Aki | Clean Energy and Climate Systems Manager, Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Mon Cochran | Vice President, Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative
Susan Starkey | Co-Chair, Faith Communities Environmental Network

1:00 PM Transforming Transportation: Enhancing Bicycle and Pedestrian Options

Better connectivity of the region’s bicycle and pedestrian networks would allow for more zero carbon transportation trips while providing a host of other community benefits. This session will provide an overview of key regional efforts and highlight exemplary local efforts to enhance bicycle and pedestrian options. When combined with enhanced public transit options, residents and visitors would have access to a transportation network more consistent with the long-term visions of the region.

Steven Tupper | Transportation Program Manager, Cape Cod Commission
Colleen Medeiros | Transportation Engineer, Cape Cod Commission
Sean Polay | Cape Cod Joint Transportation Committee Bicycle Representative and Sandwich Bike Committee
Nate Robinson | Friends of the Bourne Rail Trail and Bourne Bike Committee
Kevin Galligan | Orleans Select Board Member
Lauren McKean | Park Planner, Cape Cod National Seashore
Max Cliggott-Perlt | Bike Committee Representative, Provincetown
Christopher Kennedy | Mobility Manger, Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority

1:00 PM Climate Positive Design: Maximizing Carbon Sequestration with the Pathfinder Tool

Join a discussion with plenary session speaker Pamela Conrad and learn about the Pathfinder tool, which aids in identifying opportunities to reduce carbon footprints and sequester carbon.

Erin Perry | Deputy Director, Cape Cod Commission
Pamela Conrad |  Founder, Climate Positive Design, and Principal, CMG Landscape Architecture