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Day One Focused Breakout Sessions

10:40 AM CAPE VILLA 1 Climate Action in New England

Impacts from climate change are a key challenge we face as a region. The 2018 Regional Policy Plan identifies both adaptation and mitigation as necessary components of broader climate action. Hear from speakers who are working on this issue in other areas of New England.

JACLYN PORFILIO | Policy Advisor, State of Rhode Island
KATHERINE ESHEL | Carbon Neutrality Program Manager, City of Boston
CATHERINE RATTE | Principal Planner, Environment and Land Use – Pioneer Valley Planning Commission

10:40 AM CAPE VILLA 2 Water Quality Strategies for Cape Cod

Cape Cod communities are bringing new strategies and approaches to bear on the region’s water quality challenges.  The Cape Cod Commission developed and maintains a database of information on applicability and effectiveness of water quality technologies. This session will provide new information and research on strategies being used on and off Cape.

Onsite Septic Systems: the Villain or the Hero?
BRIAN BAUMGARTEL | Director, Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center

Improving Quality in the Three Bays through Stormwater Management
APRIL WOBST | Restoration Ecologist, Association to Preserve Cape Cod

It actually works! Phytoremediation of Cyanobacteria in Devol Pond
LAURA HADLEY | CEO, Fresh Lake Solutions, LLC / President, Devol Pond Association

Aquifer Recharge Capacity Estimation at Bass River Golf Course in Yarmouth, MA
MICHAELA BOGOSH | Project Manager, CDM Smith
KATIE SWANSON | Water Resources Engineer, CDM Smith

10:40 AM CAPE VILLA 3 Planning for a Resilient Cape Cod Coast – Cape Cod Coastal Planner Workshop

The Cape Cod Coastal Planner is a new communication and decision support tool that provides data and information on climate change hazards impacting Cape Cod’s coastline, adaptation strategies available to address them, and implications for local infrastructure and ecosystems.  Learn how to use the Cape Cod Coastal Planner tool and try it out with assistance from Commission staff.

TONNA-MARIE ROGERS | Acting Manager/Coastal Training Program Coordinator, Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

Resilient Cape Cod and the Cape Cod Coastal Planner
HEATHER MCELROY | Natural Resources Manager, Cape Cod Commission
JEN CLINTON | Special Projects Coordinator, Cape Cod Commission
JAY DETJENS | Applications Manager, Cape Cod Commission

10:40 AM PAVILION Roundtable Discussions with Plenary Speakers

Join a conversation with our morning plenary speakers, including CBS Boston Chief Meteorologist Eric Fisher.

ERIC FISHER | Chief Meteorologist, CBS-Boston

1:15 PM CAPE VILLA 1 Financing Cape Cod’s Water Quality Projects

A key challenge to successful implementation of coastal water quality improvement projects is funding and financing.  This session will highlight potential models for innovative financing strategies and local examples of successful funding mechanisms.

Innovative Finance for Nitrogen Pollution Control in Barnstable, MA
SARA BURNS | Water resource Scientist, The Nature Conservancy

Jump Starting Water Quality Protection and Economic Development with Public Private Partnerships
BRUCE DOUGLAS | Natural Systems Utilities

Lessons Learned in Orleans: Financing the Downtown Sewer System
ALAN MCCLENNEN | Town of Orleans
TOM PARECE | Associate Vice President, Water, new England, AECOM

1:15 PM CAPE VILLA 2 Adapting to Climate Hazards on Cape Cod

As with most challenges we face, there is no single method for adapting to climate hazards on Cape Cod.  The extent and severity of the hazard, the community characteristics, and local priorities contribute to defining appropriate solutions.  Speakers in this session will provide information and examples of strategies that protect against, accommodate, and retreat from the impacts of climate hazards.

Regional Conservation Planning through Green Infrastructure Analysis
ERIC J WALBERG | Senor Program Leader, Climate Services, Manomet, Inc
JENNIFER SHAKUN | Applied Forest Scientist, Manomet, Inc

Increasing the Coastal Resilience of Vulnerable Wastewater Infrastructure on Cape Cod and the Islands : Three Case Studies
SARA GREENBURG | Project Engineer, GHD

Sustainable Shorelines: Nature-based Approaches to Managing Erosion | SETH WILKINSON | Wilkinson Ecological

1:15 PM CAPE VILLA 3 Climate Action on Cape Cod

Cape Cod communities are vulnerable to climate change – it is one of the greatest challenges we face. Mitigating the causes of climate change and adapting to its impacts are imperative to maintaining regional resilience.  This session will include information on ongoing efforts to address this challenge and provide an opportunity for attendees to discuss considerations for a broader climate action effort moving forward.

The Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative
MON COCHRAN | Executive Director, Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative
RICH DELANEY | President, Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative; President Center for Coastal Studies

Fighting Climate Change and Enhancing Resiliency: The Future of Energy Efficiency Programs
MAGGIE DOWNEY | Administrator, Cape Light Compact

Cape Cod Regional Climate Action: Outer Cape Energize
DAVID MEAD-FOX | Program Manager, Outer Cape Energize

1:15 PM PAVILION Regional Partnerships and Collaborations to Improve Cape Cod’s Water Quality

Cape Cod is implementing the recommendations of the region’s coastal water quality plan.  This session will include remarks and observations from state and federal partners and examples of partnerships and collaborations that are resulting in success at the local level.

MARYJO FEUERBACH | Watersheds and Non-Point Source Program Manager, Environmental Protection Agency, Region I
GARY MORAN | Deputy Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

A Partnership Effort in Barnstable: The Three Bays Watershed
ZEE CROCKER | Executive Director, Barnstable Clean Water Coalition
DAN SANTOS | Director of the Department of Public Works, Town of Barnstable

Implementing the Pleasant Bay Watershed Permit
CAROLE RIDLEY | Coordinator, Pleasant Bay Alliance