1:15 P.M. | Investigating Cape Cod’s Ponds: Past, Present, and Future
The Cape Cod Freshwater Initiative is taking a comprehensive look at Cape Cod’s ponds and the information available to inform understanding and management. Commission staff and project partners from the Association to Preserve Cape Cod and the University of Minnesota will present current work to gather historical monitoring data from ponds throughout Cape Cod and identify regional water quality trends, fill data gaps through additional field monitoring, and use satellite imagery to characterize pond water clarity, algae growth, and water color. Commission staff will also provide updates on resources being developed as part of the Freshwater Initiative to improve pond management outcomes.
Room: Ocean
1:15 P.M. | Canal bridges replacement: current status, next steps, and what’s at stake
With funding now in place for the replacement of the Sagamore Bridge, what comes next? Commission staff will present an update on where planning for the replacement of the Cape Cod Canal Bridges stands, the major next steps, and how to stay involved with the process. Lessons from the replacement of a similar bridge will be shared to give a sense of what to expect with the replacement of the Sagamore Bridge. In addition, the session will cover potential impacts to the region if funding is not identified for the replacement of the Bourne Bridge and major rehabilitation is required.
1:15 P.M. | Redevelopment and Reuse: Reimagining Community Assets for Today’s Needs
Speakers will highlight examples of successful redevelopment and adaptive reuse in the region, such as the renovation of historic structures, the reuse of existing structures, and the redevelopment of underutilized locations into multi-family housing or mixed-use developments. Attendees will hear about a mix of smaller scale conversions and larger redevelopments and learn what makes these projects viable through collaboration and community support.
Room: Harbor
1:15 P.M. | Conversation and Questions with Main Stage Speakers
Join morning plenary session speakers for an informal Q&A session.
Room: Dune Middle
2:30 P.M. | Accelerating Climate Action Across the Region: Sharing Strategies and Resources
To meaningfully address climate change, action must be taken nationally, regionally, and locally. The Cape Cod Climate Action Plan provides a foundation for local action to mitigate and adapt to climate change. This session will highlight local climate action planning and implementation efforts, with a focus on available resources.
Room: Ocean
2:30 P.M. | Connecting our Communities: Strategies for Equitable Broadband Access
This session will highlight the Regional Broadband Needs Assessment, a comprehensive study of commercial broadband internet availability for Barnstable County with recommendations on strategies to pursue fixed and mobile network upgrades and expansions and to address challenges that Cape Cod residents face in broadband access and adoption. Findings and recommendations from the Assessment will be contextualized by statewide efforts led by the Massachusetts Broadband Institute and ongoing local planning efforts.
2:30 P.M. | Freshwater Conversation and Questions
Join freshwater experts for an informal Q&A session.
Room: Dune Middle