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OneCape Breakout Session

Canal Bridges Replacement: Current Status, Next Steps, and What’s at Stake

September 19, 2024 | 1:15 P.M.
Dune Room, Dune Building
Session Description:

With funding now in place for the replacement of the Sagamore Bridge, what comes next? Commission staff will present an update on where planning for the replacement of the Cape Cod Canal Bridges stands, the major next steps, and how to stay involved with the process. Lessons from the replacement of a similar bridge will be shared to give a sense of what to expect with the replacement of the Sagamore Bridge. In addition, the session will cover potential impacts to the region if funding is not identified for the replacement of the Bourne Bridge and major rehabilitation is required.

  • Bryan Cordeiro, Cape Cod Bridges Program Manager, MassDOT
  • Dave Anderson, Cape Cod Bridges Program Manager, HNTB
  • Erica Blonde, Equity and Engagement Practice Manager, HNTB
  • Steven Tupper, Deputy Director, Cape Cod Commission